One stop job shop for Custom Sheet Metal Fabrication.
Cutting Edge Technologies LLC in Neenah, WI is your one stop job shop for Custom Sheet Metal Fabrication.
If you are looking for laser cutting, we specialize in laser cutting thick plate steel.
Our steel fabrication services include Laser Cutting, Press brake, Welding MIG, Welding TIG, Grinding, Tapping, Countersinking, Pem Inserting and Rolling.
We are now part of Lift Solutions Holdings Company – a national industrial lifting solutions company focused on inspection, repair, and replacement products for overhead cranes, hoists and below the hook products.

Why choose us?
Your product is too important to trust to amateurs.
We here at Cutting Edge Technologies, LLC have the experience and dedication to quality to take care of all your sheet metal needs.
On time delivery or pick up is a major priority to us.
What can we do?
Cutting Edge Technologies LLC in Neenah.
If you are looking for laser cutting in Neenah,
we specialize in Laser Cutting thick plate steel.
Our sheet metal fabrication services include
Laser Cutting, Press brake , Welding MIG, Welding TIG, Grinding,
Tapping, Countersinking, Pem Inserting and Rolling.

Lift Solutions is a proud recipient of the Longevity Award from the Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association.
SC&RA is an international organization comprised of more than 1,350 members from 46 nations.
SC&RA’s Longevity Awards are presented to member companies for their longtime support and dedication to the Association and its mission.